Today saw the House of Commons Select Committee grill various witnesses about and how medical records appear to have been wrongly given to the insurance industry.

Watching the session and the #CareData twitter stream was depressing. There seems to be a culture that the NHS needs to sell the idea better, that it needs to articulate what it is doing better. The idea of listening to people’s concerns did not feature.

As part of our Big Data Season we’d like to run an I’m a Scientist public Zone (along the lines of our GM Food Zone) on Care.Data. We’d like to give the public a chance to ask 5 experts about the implications of, to give NHS England a chance to explain their system, for medConfidential to explain their concerns, for Ben Goldacre to come back to supporting a project that if properly implemented would improve healthcare enormously. But mostly a chance for the public to ask their questions and for the epxerts to hear those views.

So who should be the five experts? Let us know in the comments or via email

Posted on February 25, 2014 by ModShane in News. Leave a comment

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